Let’s go for another pattern of crochet today, I was a while without posting news here for you but I’m here. We all love crochet and also do pieces with this technique. The crochet with the passage of time is modernized and is always updated with the current pieces and what is fashionable. It has many benefits to offer for those who practice not only with the result of an incredible piece but with other health benefits such as improving their motor coordination and also improving memory.
It is no longer practiced only for old people but rather indicated for all ages and has reached several people more and more with lovely pieces and pattern. I believe that in the vast majority of families there is always someone crochet or someone skilled in the art of turning different types of yarn into a garment, or decoration. Not necessarily the crochet needs to remember an older lady, sitting in her chair, weaving her crochet work.
The crochet is something that mainly in our Brazilian culture, is and always was present. Find out a little about it here.The practice of crochet is very old, I remember my grandmother always in her sewing both in the hand and in her machines. She always sat in her chair doing her work, so she gave the inspiration for me and today I’m writing on my website for you helping with many patterns that are always up in fashion and doing things with your hands.
Today’s pattern of crochet is the famous used in magnificant quilts called Block a Week CAL, certainly have seen or heard of this beautiful pattern. It is a stylish pattern and used in quilt and also in handmade blanket. Those style patterns that her grandmother spent hours in her chair with a crochet in her hand being made. It is beautiful because every point made will increase and increase as each point is made. Pattern Size: Small Block: 18.5 cm and Large Block: 40 cm